Laboratory kits provide all materials required for a given experiment. NCP is in need of the following Kits for the students conduct hands on experiments.

Lab Kits for Hand-on Discovery
Sterile Technique Kit

These kits will allow Organismal Biology students to practice important sterile lab skills for studing microorganisms. Students will perform 2 sterile exercises and learn to perform both without introducing unwanted microoganisms.

2 $75
Understanding HIV

Students build their own RNA and DNA models, develop a hands-on understanding of how genetic information is transmitted in biological systems, and learn how RNA is reverse transcribed to DNA by retroviruses.

1 $100
AIDS: Simulation of Detection

Students will experimentally simulate screening for antibodies against HIV.

2 $130
Snatoms Modeling Kit

Snatoms are a molecular modeling kit where the atoms snap together magnetically! Students will use these kits which are a better representation of what molecules actually look like. Students will be able to feel the atrraction between atoms and forming & breaking apart molecules will be a snap!

1 $100
Outbreak: Epidemiology

A study in Epidemiology: Students become CDC scientists as they uncover the source of a serious epidemic in a school. 

1 $60
Quantities desired and unit costs are shown so you can donate according to increments, if desired.  All donations of any amount received will go toward this department.  Goal amount shown is the total of all items requested.
Every dollar counts and your donation is greatly appreciated.  Click the DONATE button in the box above to make your donation.